“Just for a moment,
let’s be still…”
– the Head and the Heart
“Owning our story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do.” – Brene Brown “Curiosity is the gentle friend that teaches us how to become ourselves.” – Elizabeth Gilbert


is the foundation on which Deb’s practice is built. Whether it be between she and her clients, her clients and their bodies and inner worlds, or amongst the courageous members of her groups and workshops, Deb sees connection as the conduit to healing.

It is the opportunity to see and be seen, to bring light where there has been shadow and shame and to begin to explore and create new patterns in relating to one’s body, oneself and in turn, one’s world.



Deb’s passion for understanding, collaborating and connecting with clients comes thru in her individual work. At her core, she believes that being seen and truly understood is the foundation for healing.


Deb’s belief that healing happens in connection is best exemplified in her groups, where it is the group process that creates change and allows for the deepest growth.


With a spirit of curiosity and empowerment, Deb’s workshops offer a unique approach to exploring the critical connections between our emotional life and our experience of our bodies.


Deb consults in a number of different modalities as well as presenting and teaching about recovery and body image healing.

Deb brings the perfect balance of warmth, compassion and humor along with her innate ability to tease out what is at the center of group members’ struggles and pain. Deb’s incredible intellect shines through every scenario, whether it’s a workshop or a group, she nails it over and over again.


Deb is a gem. Warm, smart, wise, and incredibly caring. Her thoughtful support has helped me to not only understand myself more deeply, but to use that understanding to make choices in my life that bring me more connection, meaning, and joy... I absolutely recommend Deb for anyone (and everyone!) who wants to feel healthier in both their body and their life.


Deb has an incredible ability to find grace and humor in the therapy process~she is thoughtful, kind and practical in her approach and she has been an extraordinary influence on the person I am proud to be today.


Deb has an exquisite sense of attunement to her clients, authenticity in her connection, and breadth and depth of expertise... she truly "gets" people, the power and healing nature of compassion, and the value of how a therapeutic relationship can be foundational in the healing process.


When you commit your life to trying to make things better, it infuses you with a new spirit. Your spine gets straighter, your eyes get brighter, your heart gets fuller, your mind is stimulated, and you walk, talk, and act differently. It affects your inside, and your inside affects your outside.

Jane Fonda

I can easily speak to what makes Deb so special. She possesses deep empathy, keen insight, and a down-to-earth vibe that feels both safe and welcoming.


Deb is attuned in the most comprehensive sense and always finds fresh angles and creative approaches. She hops in with both feet to join clients where they are and helps them make sense of areas that feel confusing, creates space for change, and cultivates resilience.


Body Image
Inside Out

Now Available

Embark on a transformative journey where your negative body image isn’t an enemy but a guide towards greater insight and alignment. The BodySelf’s “inside out” approach invites you to explore rather than ignore your body image messages and teaches you to become more skillful at listening, interpreting and responding to your body image thoughts, so that you can develop a more constructive and connected relationship. Think of it like couples therapy for you and your body image.